BMC is proud to launch our 75th Anniversary Commemorative Bible.
The bilingual bible measures 15cm x 22.5cm, with ESV text in 10 point and Revised Chinese Union text in 9 point. The pearl vinyl cover is available in black and burgundy.
Inside, you will find 12 pages of BMC’s history and photographs as seen through the eyes of pastors past and present. The bibles will arrive from Korea in December, and BMC office will contact you regarding collection details.
The bibles cost $30 each, but we welcome love gifts. To place your order, email or visit
Payment options:
1) Interbank transfer to UOB account number 348-315-406-0
2) PayNow to UEN S87CC0532HUOB (Entity name: Bedok Methodist Church)
3) Crossed cheque payable to Bedok Methodist Church (please indicate ‘Commemorative Bible’)