Baptism Classes
· 7, 14, 21 March (7.30pm to 9.30pm)
Membership Classes
· 4, 11, 26 April (7.30pm to 9.30pm)
Baptism Service: 22 March 2025 (Saturday afternoon)
Baptism Classes
· 7, 14, 21 March (7.30pm to 9.30pm)
Membership Classes
· 4, 11, 26 April (7.30pm to 9.30pm)
Baptism Service: 22 March 2025 (Saturday afternoon)
Frequently Asked Questions
Baptism is an expression of transformation and a sacrament of initiation. A sacrament is an outward sign of an inward change. Thus, when one undergoes baptism, they affirm publicly that a new inward life centred about a restored relationship has begun.
When we repent and believe in Jesus Christ, God’s Spirit baptises us into the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:13). This “Body of Christ” refers to all individuals who believe in Christ (Ephesians 1:13). In other words, baptism is a sign of the believer’s incorporation into the universal Church. Having become a member of the Church, the commitment then is to be “faithful members” and “serve as Christ’s representatives in the world.” What is expected after baptism is that the candidate be faithful to the Church and live such a life by words and deeds that reflect Christ’s presence in the world. Who we are and how we conduct ourselves will either bring a good, or bad, name, to the larger body of believers to which we belong, as well as to the one who is our Lord.
Because baptism is an unrepeatable act, any practice that can be interpreted as “re-baptism” must be avoided.
In the course of history, the practice of baptism has developed in a variety of forms. Some churches, like BMC, baptise infants brought by parents or guardians who are ready, in and with the Church, to bring up the children in the Christian faith. Both the baptism of believers and the baptism of infants take place in the Church as the community of faith. When an infant is baptised, a personal response will be offered at a later moment in life, with Christian nurture directed to the eliciting of this personal confession. Parents thus have the primary role and responsibility of passing on the faith to their children.
Confirmation is the process where a person, who has been baptised as a child, and is over the age of 16, decides to commit themselves as members of a church. In this regard, confirmation is exactly what it means — the candidate publicly affirms their faith and takes on the baptism vows that were made for them as children, and now commits themselves to be a member of the Methodist Church in Singapore.
1) The child being baptised must be under 16 years of age
2) At least one of the child’s parents/guardians must have a living and active commitment to Jesus Christ as Saviour, Master, and Lord. This may be demonstrated by at least one of the parents being a full BMC member.
3) Both parents are to attend the parents’ briefing for their child’s baptism.
4) Parents need to submit all relevant documents and forms.
You must:
1) Be at least 16 years old
2) Not been baptised before
3) Submit all required forms and documents, including your personal testimony
4) Be interviewed by a staff member, pastor, or a lay leader
5) Attend all sessions of the Baptism classes
To be a member of BMC, you must:
1) Be at least 16 years old
2) Be a baptised Christian
3) Have attended services regularly in BMC for at least 1 year and faithfully participating in a Disciple Group or ministry in BMC for at least 6 months, at the date of application.
4) Submit all required forms and documents, including personal testimony
5) Complete an interview with a pastoral staff, pastor, or lay leader
6) Attend all sessions of the membership classes
7) Journey with a sponsor for six months, be received into membership at our services
Then, there are three ways to be a member of BMC:
1) By satisfying the requirements for membership as a baptised Christian
2) By satisfying the requirements for confirmation (for persons baptised before the age of 16)
3) By satisfying the requirements for membership transfer from another church
You must:
1) Have a living and active commitment to Jesus Christ as your Saviour, Master, and Lord
2) Have been previously baptised as a child (before the age of 16), and not yet a member of any church, including BMC
3) Regularly attend BMC services for at least 1 year and be active in a BMC Discipleship group or ministry for at least 6 months, as at the date of application
4) Submit all required forms and documents, including personal testimony
5) Complete an interview with a pastoral staff, pastor, or lay leader
6) Attend all sessions of the membership classes
7) Journey with a sponsor for six months, be received into membership at our services
You must:
1) Have a living and active commitment to Jesus Christ as your Saviour, Master, and Lord
2) Have been previously baptised, and hold a membership in another Christian church, as at the date of your application
3) Regularly attend BMC services for at least 1 year and be a part of a Disciple Group or ministry in BMC for at least 6 months, at the date of application
4) Request for a transfer of membership from your previous church
5) Submit all required forms and documents, including personal testimony
6) Complete an interview with a pastoral staff, pastor, or lay leader
7) Attend all sessions of the membership classes
8) Journey with a sponsor for six months, be received into membership at our services
Registration for Baptism and Membership opens twice a year (January and August).
Registration opens: 12 January 2025 (Sunday)
Registration closes: 9 February 2025 (Sunday)
Parent’s briefing for child baptism: TBA
Baptism Service: 22 March 2025
Please contact or visit our BMC plus app to write in.
Visit our BMC plus app for more information for the relevant ministry.
Things to note:
1. Child/Adult Baptism
· For children under 16yo only
· At least one parent should already be a BMC member
· Parents are required to attend a child baptism briefing (date: TBC)
2. Adult Baptism
· Please also complete the ‘Get To Know You’ form
3. Membership Application (Membership, Transfer of Membership, etc.)
· Please also complete the ‘Get To Know You’ form
Please download the forms below and email the completed forms to by 9 February: