Greetings in the Name of the Lord!
We wish to convey our thanks to all who have given of their prayers, presence, gifts and service to our partnership in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are heartened by your deep love for the Lord and His church as we labour together for His Kingdom purposes.
It is clear that the current global pandemic has been a disruption of seismic proportions. We see traces of its social, economic, emotional and physical impact on our daily lives. Safe distancing has become the new norm despite our desire to socialise and interact with one another. The global economy has been severely affected where jobs have been lost and livelihoods threatened. On a personal level, inconveniences and lifestyle changes have shaken the core of our emotional and mental well-being.
Yet, the agenda of heaven continues unabated. No pandemic or problem can hijack the purposes of God. He is great and clothed with splendor and majesty. (Psalm 104:1) Nothing fazes Him and nothing is impossible and overwhelming for the Almighty Lord of Hosts. (Matthew 19:26) Indeed, “is there anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:10)
It is with faith-filled attitude that BMC has approached this season of circuit-breaker and restrictions to retool and recalibrate our ministry emphasis and focus.
As a church, we recently gave both time and finances to bless the migrant workers and rough sleepers. We carried on our support to missions initiatives around the globe. Back home, we continued to offer spiritual, emotional and financial help to those in our community.
Even when the threat of Covid-19 eases, ministry needs to continue and we hope the Lord will lead you to partner us in these several ways.
Firstly, pray for the full resumption of our physical worship services. Currently, we are restricted to conducting worship services for 50 persons or less, without live singing and at all times, with face masks and face shields in place. To implement this will potentially lead us to focus on the precautions in place rather than the true worship of God. As such, online services remain for now as somewhat inadequate, yet better alternative.
We are well aware there are some within our community who have trouble with online access and as such, not been attending our virtual services. For many, their sole form of connection with the church remains via phone calls from our church staff and leaders. Compounded by the fact that home visits by religious workers are strongly discouraged by the authorities, we do want to resume our physical worship services soonest when some of these restrictions ease.
Secondly, a Covid-19 and post Covid-19 world will present both opportunities and challenges for ministry. Our purpose remains unchanged, yet the platforms that we connect, disciple, equip and witness to people have to change. Our inability to innovate will not only slow down the advancement of the Gospel in BMC, but even whittle away the years of hard work that we have invested in people. We ask for God’s counsel, so that our ministry may still be effective, especially in the area of discipleship. Do pray along with us as we seek His wisdom and discernment for BMC.
Thirdly, as new initiatives and ministry opportunities come forth, please consider partnering us in the work of the church. Before Covid-19, we were already in severe shortage of leaders and people to serve in various roles. This need will surface again soon. We have been encouraged by the overwhelming response in our ministry to the migrant workers and rough sleepers. As the spirit leads, do step up, serve and do church as a team.
Fourthly, we recognise that even in the midst of the uncertainty, we still need to build up a considerable financial war chest to deal with each opportunity and challenge. This is necessary as some of our current practices have to change in this new season. This includes digitizing many of our church functions and producing virtual worship services (while still maintaining physical services) as a permanent aspect of church life.
As things improve, we want to restart some of the ministry initiatives; to launch a new season of growth and discipleship. As a partner in His work in BMC, we hope that God will not only provoke you to give as a means of your Christian worship and discipleship, but to encourage you to give over and above for His Kingdom agenda in and through BMC.
Lastly, and perhaps something closest to our hearts: will you not partner in praying for the people in our church? Many lives have been drastically changed by the circumstances and we want to ask for God’s restoration and revival. We want to see a breakthrough for our brothers- and sisters-in-Christ and ourselves, who form a part of the family called BMC. Will you not weep with us, on calloused knees for the night, so that rejoicing may come for these people who are dear to us?
So as we focus on Matters of the Hands this year, come and join us with prayerful hands to intercede, with firm hands that will be laid on the plough with us; and with giving hands, to give, not under compulsion or reluctantly, but as what God has laid on your heart. Let us lift our hands to Him today!
God’s Peace and Blessings
Rev Khoo Kay Huat
On behalf of the pastors and leaders of BMC