Dear Friends,
We hope that you have been keeping well over these months that we have been apart from one another.
Community life has always been an important part of who we are as BMC. We best express our love to God and for each other when we are able to meet face to face. This has not changed, even with the technology that has become available to us. In the face of the global pandemic before us, our lack of mass gatherings via various ministry events and worship services have only compounded the need for us to have spiritually meaningful small groups. These may come via our care groups, mentoring relationships and families. We hope that the importance of such groups has become more evident to you and will like to encourage you to join a CG if you have not already done so. As the weeks go on, we want to also strongly encourage all CGs to either meet via your usual virtual platforms or to even connect with each other in smaller groups in person.
Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us: 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
We hope that the pandemic has brought all of us to the stark reality of the “Day” approaching and that we will take the word of God seriously, in meeting and encouraging one another.
As you may have heard recently in the news, restrictions for religious services have been gradually eased. It has always been the intention of the church leadership to see the resumption of our in-person worship services as soon as possible and we may see a breakthrough very soon.
In a few weeks, we are looking at moving fully towards live broadcast worship services at our usual timings of 830am and 11am on Sundays. After that, we will be opening our premises for short Holy Communion Services, in which worshippers may come to our Sanctuary in 86 Bedok Road to receive of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. For such an arrangement, registration will be required, and we will adjust the vacancies and time slots so that everyone who will like to receive of Holy Communion may do so within the month. Details on the actual timing/days and registration method will be made available in due course. Do check our website, social media platforms and listen into our worship services for the latest update.
Finally, we ask that you press on in your devotion to the Lord. Take time out consistently to pray, read the Word and mediate up His Truth day and night. Do not forget who You are in Christ Jesus. Rejoice in the Lord always! May we meet again soon!
Rev Khoo Kay Huat
On behalf of the BMC Leadership