The Psalm begins in the most impactful way. It says that how “blessed” we are, or in other words, how well and happy we will be in life, depends upon our finding delight in God’s Word. It doesn’t say that your blessedness in life is dependent upon your circumstances, nor does it mention worldly success or wealth. The main thing that would lead to a blessed life is to find delight in God’s Word. Since delighting in God’s Word is so crucial, most of us would then ask the question, “How do we delight in God’s Word?”
The parable of the prodigal son is a parable with so many lessons in it. If you want a lesson on the dangers of largesse, it’s there. If you want a lesson on coming to your senses, it’s there. A lesson on anger, it’s there. Unforgiveness, it’s there. Love, freedom of choice, it’s there. If you want a lesson on forgiveness, it’s there. If you want a lesson on family, it’s there. Salvation, it’s there. I feel this parable has much to teach us during this Covid-19 crisis.
As a church, we recently gave both time and finances to bless the migrant workers and rough sleepers. We carried on our support to missions initiatives around the globe. Back home, we continued to offer spiritual, emotional and financial help to those in our community. Even when the threat of Covid-19 eases, ministry needs to continue and we hope the Lord will lead you to partner us in these several ways.
我们不要成为教会的被动观众,只在星期日参加崇拜活动。要成为跟随耶稣的信徒,我们得加入BMC 的小组群体或CG(关怀小组)。在小组里,我们一起学习与分享如何将圣经的话语应用在生活中。我们也学习彼此关怀,并在我们的信仰旅程中互相鼓励。我们还要学习如何服侍他人,无论是在教会事工中,在工作职场中, 还是在宣教的领域中。
We are not meant to be a passive spectator in Church, just attending worship services on Sunday. In order to grow as a follower of Jesus, we need to be part of a small group community or CG as we call it here in BMC. This is where we learn together as we share life applications from the study of God’s Word. We also learn to care about others and encourage each other on our faith journey. We also learn to serve others, be it in church ministry, at the marketplace where we work or in the mission field.
How is your relationship with God, our Father? The relationship between God, the Father and Jesus, His only begotten Son was an intimate one. I would opine that our relationship with God our Father is a relationship not so much to be evaluated but to be embraced and treasured.